Thursday, May 14, 2020

Social Media and Students - 733 Words

First, social media sites would motivate students to write more, and therefore improve their writing. When most students hear the word â€Å"essay† their eyes roll up in their heads and their brains shut down immediately. The word â€Å"essay† itself frightens students who otherwise feel comfortable with writing. In fact, according to some sources, â€Å"Teens who enjoy expressing their thoughts and feelings in writing often spend their time blogging, or updating online journals† (How Online Social Networks are Used). If students are already writing online, shouldn’t teachers be able to use social media instead of boring essays to teach writing? Since teachers usually have to cover grammar, spelling, and sentence structure, using social media would help students understand the importance of these skills. According to Hani Morgan, â€Å"Students publishing their writing on the Internet often improve their word choice, grammar, punctuation, and syntax, as they become aware that their writing has a purpose and is more than just an assignment for their teacher.† Rather than being assigned boring worksheets to complete on grammar or spelling, teachers could rely on the authentic pressure of a real online audience. A real audience forces most students to reconsider how they word their ideas. To avoid looking mediocre or illiterate, most students will actually consult their teacher or a grammar and usage book to make sure they are adhering to good writing guidelines. By writing online, studentsShow MoreRelatedSocial Media And Its Effect On Students Essay703 Words   |  3 PagesImperial Capital, â€Å"Your social media profile can be more revealing that your resume† (Cohen, 10). Social media has become a normal use of technology of an average college student. 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